High Power LED Flashlights: 5 Reasons to Add One to Your Tornado Readiness Kit

Scientists say 2012 could be a year of severe tornadoes, partially because waters in the Gulf of Mexico are unusually warm. As explained at , warmer waters in the Gulf often equate to intense tornadoes. This makes sense if you consider how tornadoes form.
Although scientists are still mystified by many aspects of tornado development, this much they know: twisters occur when dry, cool air meets moist, warm air. When these different types of air meet, wind begins to spiral near the earth. Should rising air cause this spinning motion to turn vertical, a twister is possible. At the most basic level, a tornado has the potential to form whenever two weather fronts with different temperatures come together. This explains why Tornado Alley (an area running from Texas through Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Southern Minnesota and into South Dakota) experiences more cyclones. Tornado Alley is located where the dry cool air blowing off the Rocky Mountains meets wet, warm air from the Gulf of Mexico.
Even if it's rare for tornadoes to hit your area, it's important to be ready. Twisters are extremely difficult to predict, and just ten minutes of tornado activity can be enough to destroy entire communities. Those who are prepared typically fare better in the days following a disaster. This article explains why it's a good idea to keep a high power LED flashlight in your tornado preparedness kit.
Why a high power LED Flashlight is the Perfect Addition to Every Tornado Readiness Kit
1. A cinch to carry. If a tornado is reported in your area, timing is of the essence. Your tornado kit should be ready to go at all times, and it should be light enough to carry when running. An LED flashlight is preferable because it is usually much lighter than its incandescent counterparts. Partially, this lightness is rooted in the fact that LED bulbs are highly efficient, so they require fewer batteries than other types of torches.
2. Long battery life/run time. The extreme efficiency of an LED flashlight is ideal for emergency situations, when you never know where your next set of batteries will come from. LED torches are known to run for a very long time (sometimes thousands of hours!) on the same set of batteries.
3. Clear, intense light. Nearly every high power LED torch shines more lumens (the unit describing the brightness of light) than its incandescent cousins. With brighter light, you can signal search parties faster, and see farther - definitely an advantage in an emergency.
4. Special features including the option to switch between low and high brightness settings. For instance, Coast's HP7-Titanium LED flashlight can toggle between 58 lumens and 251 lumens. A high power LED flashlight is far more likely to feature this kind of unique, useful element. (In this case, the low light setting is handy because it requires less power and therefore preserves your battery power.)
5. Toughness. An LED flashlight from a reputable company, such as Coast, often features superior construction that will stand up to the rough conditions following a disaster. For instance, the HP14 is encased in heavy-duty aluminum casing and is built to resist impact damage.
As you can see, each tornado readiness kit should include at least one high power LED flashlight. Even better: set aside an LED flashlight for every member of your family.

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