The Tenderness of God the Father in the Life Review

The immense tenderness that exudes from our Father's Divine Heart has to be experienced to be truly known. God the Father is the most tender and intensely loving Parent: never pushing any of us beyond what we can endure in the moment, although He continually sets progressively higher targets for us to achieve, to facilitate our spiritual growth in our journey toward holiness. Even when our Father causes us to see, from within His very own Divine Light (the light of Truth), all the sins we have committed in our lifetime and never genuinely repented from, God the Father still remains and acts as the gentlest Father, insofar as we truly acknowledge His Omnipotence and abandon ourselves completely in His Hands, with filial trust. The purifying process referred to herewith is the Life Review, a process that will be undergone without fail in our present time, by every human being on earth. In fact, throughout the entire process of reviewing our sinfulness with us, our Father unfailingly provides us with all the love and mercy that we need from Him, to be able to endure such a process without harm. He gives us mercy that is, in essence and fact, much sweeter, gentler and even more tender than His infinite love. Our Father's mercy is so qualitatively beautiful that some may think that it is better to keep on sinning, in order to obtain more of such mercy from God the Father. However, this is not the way things work, given that two of the things that our Father most abhors are attempted deceit and manipulation of Him.
When the soul both sees and fully understands the pain that she has inflicted, without second thought, upon the ever-loving Father through her sinfulness, especially systematic sinfulness, the soul does not want to do anything but flee rapidly from the Father's Presence. The tangible darkness that exists in the soul, prior to repenting and being forgiven by Jesus Christ as High Priest, make it very hard for the former to tolerate the most pure and intense Light who radiates Himself into every nook and cranny of the soul. But part of our Father's mercy is the fact that He holds the soul even more gently, though steadfastly, in His Divine Embrace, to prevent her from fleeing, while proceeding to cure her from her spiritual sickness through His Son.
Upon experiencing such sweet mercy, the soul then reaches a profound realization of the intrinsic nature of the wounds that she has and deliberately inflicted upon her most beloved Father. The soul also develops a glimmer of understanding of the unmatched love that the One, True and Only Father really has for the soul: a love that our Father does not hesitate to shower upon the soul in the form of ceaseless and surprising graces, after she sincerely repents. Thus, in and through the magnificent power of God the Father's ineffable Mercy, the soul proceeds to nudge closer to her Father rather than flee, concurrently pledging - rather shyly at first - with the profundity of her being, never to wound such tender, Infinite Love again.

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