How to Evaluate the Right LED Product Based on Your Industry

With their greater cost effectiveness, vastly improved energy efficiency and longer durations, you need to at least consider making the upgrade to LED lighting. Sometimes these are personal considerations for your business in terms of investment and overheads. Others require government consideration as LED lighting is often incentivized, depending on your local legislation.

However, you might want to know more about how leds directly benefit your particular industry. Below we'll show you some considerations you might want to consider.

Does your industry generate a lot of heat?

There are many reasons that require a lot of heat to fuel your particular industry. In the iron and steel industry, smelting requires high temperature. For oil refining, heat is used to separate the distillates. In many manufacturing industries, process heating is used to raise the temperature of various components.

Using all this heat can have all sorts of effects on your lighting needs. The temperature of the space is high but needs to be kept low enough for humans to work in it. The efficiency of high intensity discharge lighting and metal halide bulbs is not known. This means that a lot of the energy that goes into the bulb for illumination escapes as wasted heat.

Energy-saving LED bulbs do not have the same effect and do not add more heat to an already hot environment. In addition, LED lighting fixtures themselves are more durable. HID USES gas to transmit electricity and requires a glass case to do so. They are susceptible to high temperatures, which LED lighting intensifiers can prevent.

Does your industry produce a lot of dirt and pollution?

Heat is not the only type to consider in your industry. Chemical plants in particular need to provide substantial protection against harmful substances. Corrosive substances need good ventilation or exhaust to be removed. Even normally non-hazardous materials become hazardous as they go through certain processes. Despite these dangers, lighting needs to be done in a variety of Spaces.

LED bulbs are reinforced in fixtures and are designed to withstand damage. This means they can resist the pollution that your industry may produce, but they can also resist other benign substances: water. Leds can be cleaned more easily without causing short circuits or safety hazards.

Does your industry need motion sensors?

Many industries need motion sensors, or at least would benefit from their use. This is partly because motion sensors save a lot of money and wasted light by using timers. For high-intensity discharge lamps, they can take up to 10 minutes to turn on, which means motion sensors are simply not feasible.

LED bulbs such as those in the OEO EZ LED SENSOR family can be turned on almost immediately, but have some unique advantages. The light bulbs here are the only light bulbs because they can go down to 30 watts instead of 400 watts. This makes them highly efficient and versatile.

Does your industry spend a lot of energy powering fans?

We will discuss the use of industrial fans and their impact on LED lighting in future blog posts. However, we do want to say that, basically, LED efficiency will reduce the cost and strain of industrial fan use. For cold storage, the benefits are more severe. This is just one example of the happy coexistence of LED lighting and other energy-consuming devices.

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