the effects of led lighting on retail spaces

Contrary to some popular wisdom, retail stores are not dead, and they will not be supplanted by online e-commerce operations. Consumers continue to patronize retail establishments, if for no other reason than to see the physical products that they might later order online. The retailer’s goal in this competitive environment is to make the retail outlet and its products so attractive that the consumer purchases the product right then and there, rather than ordering it electronically. LED lighting for retail outlets has made strong contributions toward this goal.

Large retail stores have historically relied on overhead fluorescent fixtures that create a brightly-lit environment. Smaller boutique retailers have created alternative environments with track or mood lighting. LED lighting for retail stores can meet these historical applications and can push a retailer’s lighting options forward with new lighting variations and control options.

Consider, for example, how a clothing retailer might use LED lighting to emphasize subtle fashion features. LED lighting for retail can be color-tuned to emphasize subtle color differences in clothing and to give consumers a more objective perspective on subtle color shading differences. A consumer who purchases clothing from an ecommerce vendor will see a photograph of the clothing article, but color subtleties are often lost on computer displays. LED lighting for retail not only brings out clothing color features, but also allows consumers a better opportunity to pair clothing articles. The ultimate effect is that a consumer will be encouraged to purchase additional items because LED lighting for retail is better able to highlight colors and to facilitate color matching.

LED Lighting for Retail

LED lighting for retail also gives retailers pinpoint control options over how and where they can focus lighting on goods that they offer for sale. A retailer can install a variety of LED lighting options to backlight products or to create indirect or muted lighting in different parts of a store. Display cases for smaller items, such as jewelry of personal fashion accessories, can be lit with brighter LED’s that emphasize fine patterns and textures. Since LED lights operate at low temperatures and without generating the excess heat that is typical of traditional display case lighting, the retailer’s goods will not be harmed by any excess warmth in display cases.

Many retailers operate on thin profit margins, which forces them to pare operating costs wherever possible. LED lighting for retail has the potential to reduce  a retail store’s electrical utility costs by more than half. Modern LED lighting is so efficient that it can generate the same or better lighting as a traditional lighting fixture with less than half of the electrical energy input. LED bulbs also last substantially longer than other forms of lighting, and the retailer’s lighting maintenance costs will be similarly reduced. therefore has the potential to increase a retailer’s sales and to reduce overhead costs, all of which contributes directly to a retailer’s profits.

Retailers that operate standalone locations that are separate from large malls and other shopping outlets can make their stores more inviting with bright exterior LED lighting. A shopper will be more likely to stop at a retail store that has well-lit parking lots, which convey a greater sense of safety and security. The sense can be continued from the parking lot and into the store itself with LED lighting for retail that facilitates a smooth transition from the brightness of a parking lot to the inviting interior warmth of a retail store. 

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