Solar Lights Can Be Both Addictive And Practical-FVTLED

We are actively trying to find ways to help conserve our planets resources. We have discovered a very easy, cost effective way to begin. Solar lights! We have become totally involved and addicted to both the beauty and the practical uses they bring to our surroundings. There are also many solar lights that have a practical side to them. Of course the first thing that drew our attention to solar lighting was the fact that they are not dependent upon conventional electrical supply. This means no wire, plugs or extension cords. No added costs to our electric bill. Other than the initial cash outlay, there is no other cost involved. It's about that simple. We feel good about our first effort to help conserve energy and they add a real exciting element to our surroundings.
All outdoor solar lights are dependent upon a daily charge of sunshine. So, you need to make sure that the solar panel is placed where the sun can charge it each day. On cloudy or dark days, your light will not be as bright or last as long as the sunny days. Scientists are working on this right now and with all the new innovations in solar lighting, it probably won't take long for this to be solved.
For fun and magic, garden and/or whimsical solar lights come in all shapes and sizes. There are so many styles, you won't have a problem finding just the right lights for you. These solar lights are really addictive. There are pathway lights, blinking or color changing lights, dogs, gnomes, frogs. For your pool or pond area look for floating ball lights or even solar water fountains. Children love all of these lights and this is a great way to get them hooked and learn something about conserving our planets resources.
The practical side of solar lights are found in spot and sensor lights. You can have your driveway light up with sensor solar lights as you pull up your driveway. Place them near doorways or dark corners. We feel a little more safe with sensor lights at both our front and back doors. Some even come with a long cord that attaches the light to the panel. This way you can attach the solar light in a shaded area and keep the solar panel in the sun to get its' charge and it will light up at night.
Solar spot lights will shine on the desired area for usually around 8-10 hours after a day of sunlight. The brightness depends on how many LEDs are in each light. Spot lights can highlight a dark stairway, entrance or even bring attention to a favorite tree or plant.
Do you need lighting on a remote fence line or out-building? Is there a dark area around your patio or deck? Give outdoor parties a new look and grab some attention. How about the kids - neighbors, friends or family, they all love to come see your "lights"! All you really need is your imagination, the desire to get involved and a quick and easy search on your computer. Decide what and where your needs are and you will be sure to find the right solar lights with ease.
We at have many different solar lights in many categories and with many uses. By deciding on your needs and how and where you want to use them, you can create a magical new space or highlight a problem area. Be proud of the fact that you are GOING GREEN and at the same time saving yourself some money!

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