Benefits of White LED Light Bulbs for Natural Lighting

The importance of natural white light and why is it needed in the home

White light-emitting diodes (leds)
LED technology has changed dramatically, giving consumers unprecedented levels of quality and efficiency. "Natural indoor lighting" may seem like an oxymoron, but in recent years it has become an affordable reality -- and it's hard to ignore the monetary and aesthetic benefits of LED bulbs.

For aesthetic and health reasons, white light is an excellent choice for interior lighting. However, many consumers are unaware of the benefits of using white LED lighting and the long road ahead of technology innovators when bringing natural white light indoors.

Let's delve into the importance of white light, give a brief history of its development, and explore how consumers can bring it into their homes at affordable prices.

Why is white LED lighting important?

If you haven't been up to date on recent lighting developments, the many benefits of white LED bulbs certainly speak volumes. To see how leds compare with other types of indoor bulbs, let's compare the three most common types currently in use: incandescent, compact fluorescent, and LED.

Type of interior lighting

Type of interior lighting
When comparing different types of indoor lighting, keep in mind many criteria, including the brightness and energy efficiency you need.

Incandescent lamp: incandescent lamp is as traditional as possible. These old-fashioned lamps, also known as "Edison bulbs," emit light by heating a tungsten filament to 4,000 degrees Celsius. They're cheap, they give off soft light, and they're not energy efficient.
Brightness efficiency: the brightness of a 60-watt bulb is 800 lumens
Cost: about $0.50 each
Duration: 1200 hours
Energy costs: the average use of a 60-watt bulb is about $1.10 a month
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) : upgrading from many aspects of incandescent bulbs, CFL bulbs use heated gas to produce infrared light that can be seen through a coating on the bulb. They are a bit more expensive than incandescent bulbs but offer better energy efficiency.
Brightness efficiency: 800 lumens for 13 - to 15-watt bulbs
Cost: about $4.00 each
Duration: 8,500 hours
Energy costs: the average use of 13 - to 15-watt bulbs is about 26 cents a month
LED: this represents a significant upgrade to incandescent and CFL bulbs. LED lights are more energy efficient than any other and provide brighter, more natural light. While these advantages have historically been offset by the high cost of white light bulbs, this cost has been a fraction of what it was in recent years due to improved manufacturing methods and lower production costs.
Brightness efficiency: 8 to 10 watt bulbs have a brightness of 800 lumens
Cost: about $2- $4 each
Duration: 15,000-50,000 hours
Energy costs: average usage of 8 to 12.5 watt bulbs is about $0.19 per month
LED to save money!
According to the above statistics, it is clear that LED can bring you the biggest benefit. They are also more aesthetically diverse, providing you with an almost endless choice of brightness and color temperature to suit your home's needs. However, this is just the beginning of the benefits you get when switching to LED lighting.

The benefits of LED lighting

LED bulbs have many other benefits. Consider how lighting affects your mind. We're all familiar with the effects of bad light on our eyes and headaches. Sometimes called "fluorescent headache", it can damage your health and even affect your productivity. On the other hand, consider how natural light from the outdoors affects you: it makes you feel alert, reduces stress, and makes you happier.

No Windows are open, and no other indoor lighting solution simulates natural light as effectively as white leds. Created by blue leds, indoor white bulbs have been available exclusively to consumers since the early 2000s and are getting cheaper every year.

White light simulates natural light from outdoors and has many positive benefits, from improving your focus to simply being more aesthetically pleasing. In some cases, it can even benefit your work. For example, if you like photography or painting, natural LED lighting will provide you with ideal working conditions.

The creation of indoor natural light has a long and complex history. Understand why it's so important in the grand scheme of things that it might even tempt you to make a change.

Indoor white light path

While the work of early pioneers like Thomas Edison is well known, recent developments - particularly in leds - have not been widely discussed. However, throughout the 20th century, major advances have affected the availability and availability of LED lighting.

Short time line

Evolution lighting
This is a very short timeline using historical information from the Edison technology center:

Oleg Losev studies silicon carbide contact junctions in radio equipment, indicating that they produce light when an electric current passes through them. He published a detailed report on his findings this year.
James Biard and Gary Pittman develop the first modern LED at Texas instruments. They stumbled across the technology in unrelated tests.
General electric's Nick Holonyack Jr. develops the first red LED - the first visible LED.
Herbert Maruska and Jacques Pankove develop purple leds, a precursor to bright blue leds. That same year, monsanto's m. George Craford created the first yellow LED and a brighter red LED.
Shuji Nakamura develops the first bright blue LED. However, high production costs make it unsuitable for commercial use.
1993: undoubtedly, one of the biggest innovations in lighting was the development of blu-ray leds by professors Hiroshi Amano, Isamu Akasaki and Shuji Nakamura in 1993. This is the technology used in modern LED lighting to produce what is now called "white" or "natural" light indoors.
It is hard to overstate the impact of this final development. In fact, the three professors responsible for the development of blu-ray leds won the Nobel Prize in physics in 2014, awarded only to inventions that "bring the best benefit to humanity." The technology isn't just used to light up homes around the world. It's more efficient and bright than any of its predecessors - in fact, it can even power a smartphone's screen.

So how can you bring this revolutionary development to your home and reap the benefits?

How to bring natural light into your home today

As noted above, white LED lighting has been a consumer reality since the beginning of the 21st century, but only in the last few years has it become so affordable. Early bulbs were easy to run for between $25 and $35 per bulb, but today they are easy to buy for less than $5. Consumer reports agrees: it's time for a switch. How do you start?

Affordable natural light: a primer

Before making any changes, you have one decision to make early: do you want to install a new socket, or use LED retrofitting bulbs? While the latter doesn't require much labor to install, incandescent fixtures usually don't take into account LED lighting orientation; Indoor LED lamps, however, generally diffuse the light more efficiently. These are smart switches, but you need to determine which ones fit your needs and budget.

Next, consider the shape of the bulb you want to use. Your lamp may determine which lamp you choose, but each lamp has its own advantages. Pears, spheres, floods and tubular bulbs diffuse light in different ways. Experimenting with different shapes is a great way to find out what works best for each of your rooms. These are just a few examples.

Looking to the future

Leds are the future of lighting
If you're interested in the latest lighting technologies, such as adjustable light colors and smart home integration, leds are where they are. Imagine being able to arrange for lights to automatically turn on and off at specific times, or to adjust the colors of each room to suit your mood. When your home or fire alarm starts, you can even set the overhead LED light to flashing red! New smart home lighting applications are released every year, and these exciting features hold great promise.

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