3 Reasons to Upgrade to LED Bulbs

When they first started getting traction a few years ago, I had a hard time selling leds... Heck, I own LightBulbs.com and I still stick to the old classic incandescent bulb (" the plumber always leaks "joke). In addition to the cost factor, the quality of the light prevented me from upgrading; I guess you could say I'm a little underweight. However, as costs fell and any remaining quality control issues were resolved, I switched all the bulbs in my home to leds and never looked back.

3 reasons to upgrade to LED

Here are three main reasons I upgraded to LED lights at home:

Energy saving

Most people know how much LED lighting saves energy, but we need to think about it anyway. Classic incandescent bulbs burn out while maintaining a soft, warm, nostalgic look. They require more power (wattage) than leds. The beauty of leds is that as technology continues to evolve, the recommended wattage replacement for "incandescent to LED" bulbs is getting lower and lower! I was able to replace all 60-75 watt bulbs in my home with 9-10 watt leds, with an average 80 percent reduction in wattage per socket.

Money saving

For anyone who owns a home, energy consumption is known to be directly related to electricity bills! I did some preliminary energy savings calculations first, so I can start working on my ROI for my LED upgrade plan. After replacing about 70 sockets in my home, I welcome the $30-40 per month savings in electricity bills. Bill! This part isn't smoke and mirrors: if you save watts, you save money. Add to that the fact that leds last a long time, and you'll soon have a full return on your investment!

To save time

A typical 60-75 watt incandescent lamp typically lasts 1,500 hours. For those who burn their light bulbs regularly, this is not particularly long. This usually means that you change the bulb once or twice a year (based on burning 4-8 hours per day). In fact, filament shaped bulbs tend to burn faster (vibrating in your home = dying), and you replace them regularly. In my house, my kids running and jumping always killed my incandescent bulbs early. You will see that the duration of most high-quality leds ranges from 15,000 to more than 50,000 hours, which will result in a significant reduction in the individual labor force to replace burnt-out bulbs.

LED bulbs save energy, money and time!

What's next for LED lighting? LED technology continues to evolve, and some of the more exciting features include integration with smart home systems, providing programmable on/off Settings, custom themes, unlimited color options, and more!


Note: when researching leds to replace light bulbs in your home, pay attention to enclosed lamps (e.g., recessed ceiling mounting). You will need to find LED bulbs rated for enclosed lamps. While it is technically feasible to use bulbs that do not meet this environmental requirement, it is not recommended as heat may cause performance problems and potentially hazardous environments.

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