Industrial Warehouse Light Design for Maximum Cost Efficiency


Maximizing cost efficiency is always a priority when lighting large industrial warehouses. Cost effectiveness often comes from optimization of lighting technology and operational modifications. While the best practices for one industrial warehouse may not be appropriate for another, there are some general recommendations and practices to consider in lighting design. In this article, we'll explore some of the best techniques.

Take advantage of new LED lighting solutions
While the initial cost of buying leds may be higher, the investment in energy consumption and maintenance over the years has been well worth it. The federal energy management plan strongly recommends switching to leds for good reason. Compared with traditional lamps, LED lamps can reduce energy consumption by 40% and have a long service life of more than 50,000 hours in many cases. In general, leds are more cost-effective without sacrificing quality or design.

Increase operational efficiency and use your products strategically
In lighting, operate lighting only when necessary. In most cases, many lighting devices do not need to be parked 24/7. No need to turn off the lights. Use motion sensors and dimmer Settings, which can be more energy efficient and reduce power waste. Modern leds are designed to work best in dimming situations - in stark contrast to fluorescent alternatives.

In addition, it is worth the time to install daylight control, which helps to maximize available daylight and reduce energy use. Lightweight timers can be used in conjunction with these other operational strategies.

Make sure you are lighting up your warehouse correctly
It is never a wise strategy to avoid lighting in your industrial facilities when you need it most. The last thing you want to happen when workers are busy filling orders is to have them misread the package number and accidentally ship the wrong product. If the lighting quality in the warehouse is very poor there will be a significant increase in incorrect and incorrect order fulfillment. Ensure that your building conforms to existing design guidelines. Before proceeding with any major project, consult with engineers and other licensed professionals to ensure that the lighting plan is optimal. The office of energy efficiency and renewable energy recommends that you check the quality of all LED lights used in the DLC list of eligible products.

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