Solar Accent Lights Create a Dazzling Nighttime Gardenscape -FVTLED

With a little imagination and solar accent lights, you can enhance any appealing attribute of your yard. Specifically, gardens are a great place to do this. By placing solar lighting around attractive features, you can create an allure that can add personality and pizzazz to your nighttime landscape. Here are some tips on how to create an impressive and professional look.
Highlight the Most Attractive Features
Eye-catching plants, such as a weeping larch or sculptured shrub, can serve as a great place for solar accent lights. Placing solar spotlights so that they illuminate areas that people would find particularly appealing can create a miraculous focal point. Just remember that the closer you position the lights to the point of focus, the more the look will have an intentional and elegant feel. When highlighting tall objects, try placing the light at the bottom and shining it upward.
Illuminate Borders and Walkways
All the effort you put into the layout of your garden becomes hard to distinguish in the evening. Use traditional solar accent lights to define the area you worked hard to create. Placing decorative lighting along garden edges and paths cannot only help to mark designated areas, but can create a feel of organization as well.
Create Shadowing Effects
Simple solar lighting can be used inside the garden as well to create surprisingly impressive looks. By placing the solar accent lights directly at ground level, behind the base of leafy bushes or hidden near decorative elements, you can create a softly light that cascades through nearby plants causing a unique shadowing effect.
Add Color as well as Creativity
There is a plethora of creatively designed solar accent lights on the market today. Don't just use plain, dime-a-dozen, white solar accent lights; bring the color of the day back to the night. Pick a few shades that you'd like and to ensure access to variety, investigate the different designs for sale online. You'll find everything from stained glass globes to sculptured works that have colored lighted accents, but be sure to remember that less is more. These accents can add charm and create great focal points; however, used in excess they become more like clutter.
Get Ideas Before you Begin to Shop
If you live in a city, you can often find professionally lit gardens that you can examine for ideas. If not, searching for pictures of nighttime gardens online could help spark your creativity. This can also help you determine do's and don'ts that fit your taste.
Spacing is Key
The awing effect of your garden lighting will depend not only on the amount of lighting you use, but also on its placement. Aim to create a uniform feel that follows the height of the surrounding plants. Choose the height of the solar accent lights according to plant height and foliage density. Since solar fixtures are not wired, you can easily adjust the lights following the original placement in order to create an ambiance that's just right for your oasis.

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