The Benefits of LED Lighting

You may remember using LED lights back in science class, making basic circuitry to show how electrical current flows. Our memories might give the impression these little unassuming bulbs aren’t much to talk about. We’re happy to enlighten you to the contrary.

LED lighting is both the present and future of providing cost effective illumination for personal and commercial use. By looking into some specific benefits of LED lighting, we can show you why you need to make the switch.

LED lighting energy saving

Increased housing and warehouse costs. While it's tempting to buy the cheapest bulb in the store to meet your needs, the hidden costs can be confusing. That's because, according to Statista, LED products use at least 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs. This means you can recoup the savings on your next electricity bill, thus saving pennies when your monthly payments are reduced.

LED lighting is durable

Not only do LED lighting use less energy, but they last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs, according to the same study. Unfortunately, incandescent bulbs are still widely used around the world. Fortunately, governments around the world have been recognizing their inefficiencies and cost-effectiveness, and have begun phasing them out through business incentives. The United States signed the energy independence and security act of 2007, but the process is still underway.

Don't be cynical, but these incentives were introduced for more than just green thinking. They are the smart way to save money, and companies recognise their potential without being forced to do so.

LED lighting has environmental advantages

LED lighting emits very narrow wavelengths of light. This means they need less energy to run and therefore use less electricity. Using less electricity means they do not burn as much non-renewable fuel and produce less carbon dioxide. LED lighting could lead to "environmentally friendly lighting" as demand for light sources grows, especially in developing countries, according to the journal of industrial ecology.

This is not the whole story when it comes to reducing the impact on the environment. LED lighting has extremely low infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Not only does this help reduce light pollution, but it is actually known to help promote plant growth. They can help produce the blues and reds needed for certain growing environments, and special garden leds are being produced for this purpose.

LED lighting is the future

We're just revealing the benefits of LED lighting, but research suggests it will eventually become a controversial issue. Some areas have been slow to adopt LED lighting, ignoring their benefits for cheaper short-term alternatives. Since the price of light bulbs is very high, this may be fair at one stage.

However, as production increases and the benefits of LED lighting become apparent, this will no longer fly. The U.S. department of energy estimates that by 2030, LED lighting will account for 84 percent of all light bulbs. The reason is simple. They're cost-effective, they're energy efficient, and they're probably one of the reasons we're looking forward to the future.

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