Illumination is only the basic and the most primary purpose of artificial lighting solutions. On a microscopic level, there is much more to lights than what your eyes can perceive. The wisdom of Ancient East reveals a deep connection of lighting of living spaces with psychological health of an individual; something that modern science has just begun to comprehend and validate. On innumerable studies that have been conducted on how humans react to their environments, it has been seen that quality of lights can elevate or lower moods by significant extents.
3 Components of Light – Brightness, Color, Saturation
There are 3 primary components namely, brightness, saturation and color, upon which quality of lights and their interference with the temperament of an individual can be based. Brightness refers to the power of the light and can be measured in terms of watts or lumens in conventional lights or LEDs. Color refers to the wavelength that the light emits, and can be anything from specifically blue to warmer colors. Saturation refers to the intensity of the colors and can range from a scale of 0% to 100%.
Be it LED flood lights for home exteriors or LED canopy lights for bedroom / living room spaces, choosing the right combination of brightness, color and saturation is critically important to maintain high levels of positive energy, warmth and peace in the domestic sphere.
How Lights Interfere with Moods
Hundreds of researches conducted on mental and psychological health has lead to the conclusion that poor illumination can contribute towards conditions like anxiety, depression etc on people that may have been exposed to such surroundings for a prolonged period of time on a regular basis. Similarly, conditions like hypertension, aggressiveness, inability to focus etc has been linked with spaces that are way too bright than necessary.
Modern Grade A constructions in this decade, are thus seen to devote ample time and efforts in designing proper lighting solutions that remain within a calculated spectrum of brightness, color and intensity that results in better health and spirits in the part of the residents. For example, instead of conventional lights, well placed LED wall packs, canopy lights and even LED shoebox lights for that matter, are preferred in carefully chosen points and in specified lumens / color spectrum to maintain a harmonious balance in overall illumination of the space.
White LEDs have always been preferred over other colors like red, blue, green, yellow etc. and is currently hailed as the invincible best by homeowners across the world. However, behavioral experts have used color therapy to treat a range of emotional / psychological conditions by energizing certain centers of the brain by exposing the same to relevant wavelengths.
Say for example, bright yellow lights have been infallibly linked with instant mood boosting and can thus help individuals recover from mild to moderate depression. Blue light on the other hand can create a very peaceful atmosphere and develop better concentration in work or office. People with circadian disorder are known to benefit immensely from blue lights. The list can go on and on.
If you are a new homeowner, you need to know that lighting is not just for illuminating a certain space but add life to it as well. When you choose and install lights wisely you take a conscious step towards a healthier and happier family.
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